2.5 million items of Personal Protective Equipment

We are deeply committed to seeing the end of Covid-19 in Nigeria and across the world,and we believe that the consistent use of the necessary PPE is a critical habit to adopt in order to achieve this. At Project SafeUp, everything we do is designed to bridge the gap in access to the protection our health workers and general public all need

At Project SafeUp, everything we do is designed to bridge the gap in access to the protection our health workers and general public all need

Covid 19 Response

Our COVID-19 Response:

Project SafeUp

In an effort to champion health safety in Nigeria, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, My World of Bags retooled its factory to begin the production of various types of PPE - including reusable masks, face shields, gowns, shoe covers and headcovers - for medical professionals and the general public. This was made possible through a partnership with the Mastercard Foundation. Our company distributed all produced PPE free-of-charge to institutions across a number of states, until end June 2021.

Coronavirus is extremely real and poses a great risk; we urge you to protect yourselves by washing your hands, maintaining social distancing, avoiding large crowds and gatherings, and using the necessary PPE at all times.